Ever wish your students were more motivated? If you’re like most of us, you have tried an array of rewards and punishments to motivate kids. There’s only one problem: it doesn’t work. At least it doesn't work well enough. People (yes, even students) aren’t motivated from the outside so rewards and punishments only work to a point. We are internally motivated. That’s why it's essential to engage and inspire students to be motivated to succeed in school (and life.)

If you’re ready to move beyond the reward/punishment model and embrace a whole new way to understand motivation, I encourage you to come back regularly. It’s time to challenge the status quo and create schools and classrooms based on what really motivates behavior.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Book! The Inspiring Teacher: Making A Positive Difference In Students’ Lives

I’ve had a number of people asking where I’ve been and if I’m OK since I haven’t posted anything in quite some time. My younger daughter, who lives in Australia, was home for the holidays so I spent lots of time with family until after the New Year.

I have also been immersed in a full-blown revision of my book The Inspiring Teacher: Making A Positive Difference In Students’ Lives. I am very excited to announce that the book has just been published by Funderstanding and is now available from Amazon.

My goal was simple: make this book available as an e-book and keep the price so low that schools can easily afford to get copies for every staff member and use it as part of their PD initiative. I know that budgets are shrinking and that schools must carefully consider every dollar spent. The Inspiring Teacher has a “Reflect, Personalize, and Implement” section at the end of each chapter, questions that make it easy to facilitate a book talk and engage every staff member in substantive conversations about how to make schools better for kids and adults.

I’m hope you’ll take advantage of the introductory low price and tell every educator and parent you know about The Inspiring Teacher.

Here’s the opening from the book to give you a sense of what it’s all about:

Let’s start with an obvious question: “Who should read The Inspiring Teacher?” Fair enough question. In putting together this newly revised edition, I had three specific groups in mind.

The Inspiring Teacher is for every teacher and teacher in training who wants more than just a job. It is for those who want to create rich, meaningful professional identities. It is for those who want to positively impact the lives of their students. It is for those who are determined to make a difference. The Inspiring Teacher is also for every parent who wants their kids to internalize important values and behave responsibility even when no one is watching and there is no promise of a “Student of the Month” award or a “Good Boy/Good Girl” shouted in their direction.

If you’re in at least one of these groups, The Inspiring Teacher is for you.

I’m seriously trying to challenge the status quo.

As always, if you enjoyed this and found it useful, please send the link to your friends. Thanks.

Bob Sullo
PO Box 1336
Sandwich, MA 02563

For information about books by Bob Sullo and to schedule a keynote, workshop, or series for your school, agency, or parent group visit www.internalmotivation.net

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